Retired gay porn stars

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Harris, Mario Sorrenti, and Marc Jacobs, who “flew in from Paris” to join and hosted a book signing at Bookmarc. He tells me that he’d been worried that the event would be a flop - “My God, who in the hell comes to a Peter Berlin thing?” But in the end he was pleasantly surprised by a turnout of a certain “caliber of people” (not “simple people,” as he says his mother would say), including Kembra Pfahler, Jeremy O. And this is what I found him doing - MSNBC was on - when I arrived in his room the morning after his biggest comeback moment in years: a party, at fashion’s current favorite restaurant L’Avenue, to launch a book of his erotic self-portraiture, Peter Berlin: Icon, Artist, Photosexual. Instead, he’s spent much of the last 40 years, by his own account, watching TV in his apartment in San Francisco. email that instead of meeting in a café for breakfast, Berlin would rather you “meet him in his room” it is hard to know what to expect.īerlin starred in the 1973 film Nights in Black Leather, a deadpan German in distinctive tight leather or sailor-boy looks, the bulge always prominent, who became friends with Robert Mapplethorpe and Andy Warhol, but never rose to their level of fame.

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When the press contact for the artist and gay porn star Peter Berlin sends you a pre-9 a.m.

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